Primary Research ( General Questions Analysis )

General Questions Analysis

On this question 6.3% people answered they spend less than 1 hour of the computer. Next 12.5% of them spend 1 hour per day and 18.8% people withone answered front of the computer spend 2 hours daily. Most 56.3% are usually spend more then 3 hours per day of the front of computer. 

This shows they are spend more like 3 hours useing computer every day. 

Most people 53.3% using computer for gain knowledge. 40% ansewered are social media and email, and spend free time. Next group of people, this mean 33.3%, using for gaming. 26.7% use them computer most often for pleasure, and 20% for reading the news. For Making new friends only used 13.3% and without the goal 6.7%.

 The most numbers of people 66.7% used internet at home. 26.7% at public place and 6.7% every places.

On the question about live without internet and computer 53.3% answered maybe, 26.7% can no live without and 13.3% do not know and only 6.7% can live without internet and computer.

Lot of people heard about danger of meeting new people what gave 71.4% and next group 14.3% do not know nothing about dengers. 7,1% answered maybe and no.

Private information like email adress provided 64.3% of answered. 57.1% provide over the internet a mobile number and after that 50% of pictures. 42.9% provided them adress. None of the above 14.3% and 7.1% send over the internet them bank details.

57.1% never visit webside or fanpage "Safe in cyberspace".  Usually 28.6% visit this website and 7.1% never and very rear visit website or fanpage "Safe in Cyberspace".

Never not altered and posted someone else's phono online 57.1%. 5 times and more 14.3% and this same 2-4 times. 1 time and other not say ansered 7.1%.
The most popular answer is use strong and unique password what is 57.1% after that is limit the personal information that answered 50%. Two steps verification used 42.9% and 28.6% have increased settings on social media. 21.4% are two of them, one is I do not use ine mailbox and second have a strong antivirus installed.

To the last question. most people 53.8% answered I do not use and after that 46.2% prefer not say. 15.4% are as many as 4 groups, one use KeePass, second NoScript,third is Tor Browser and last AdwCleaner. Only 7.7% has Malwarebytes.
