Software (Evaluation- Funkcionalities)


When you evaluate software, it is important to consider its funcionalites or features. (Awasthi,2020). Here are some things to think about:

1. Check if the software has the main features you need to accomplish your goals.

2. See if the software is easy to use and ifit feels comfortable interact with.A god software should be easy to understand and navigate.

3. Find out if you can personalize the software to your specific needs. This could include changing settings or loyouts to make it work better for you.

4. Check if the software can work well with other tools or systems you use. It should be able to share information and connect with other progrms easily.(Jackson, M.&Crouch,S.,&Baxter,R.2011)

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5. Consider if the software can handle your needs as they grow. It should work quickly and respond well, even when dealing with a lot of data.
6. Make sure your software keeps your information safe. It shuld have measure in place to project your data and only allow authorized user users to access it.
7. Look for features that help you gather infomation and understand how the software is performing. This could include generating reports or providing insights and statistics.(Jackson, M.&Crouch,S.,&Baxter,R.2011).

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8. Check if the software allows you to work together with other effectively. It should have feature like assigning task,messaging, and sharing files.

9. Find out if the software can automate repetitive tasks and mak your work reasier. It could include features like scheduling tasks or sending notifications.

10. Consider the avalability of help and resources from the software vendor. It is important to have access to customer support and documentation, as well as regular updates to keep the software running smoothly.


1. Copyright free pictures:

2.Awasthi, B.(2020). How to Evaluate New Software in 5 steps. blog adress

3.Jackson, M.&Crouch,S.,&Baxter,R. (2011). Software Evaluation: Criteria-based Assessment. Software Sustainability Institute.
